Leaning a team

Leaning a TEAM = Together Effectively Achieving More

Operational Excellence

Type of organisation

International payments in a large bank

Involved Teams

International Payments

Key words

Lean in Belgium,

Operational Excellence, white boards, best practices exchange, change management, project management, coaching, Lean, WPIs

Consultancy presence

3.5 d/week, duration of 3 months

Consultant / Project Manager

Mellaerts Juan

Project Details

An operational team of 17 persons, a large volume of tasks to perform daily, suffering from many, (and large), delays, yearly penalties running into millions of euros, and a team atmosphere dictated by stress, mistrust and tension. A new team leader (TL), who recently got promoted from within the team had heard from the benefits of Operational Excellence in other areas and requested the Lean consultant to ‘save the team’.

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Intuitively, the TL, her manager, and the team members, all said: we need more people, there is no other way to get out of this negative vicious circle. Consequently our consultant didn’t start from ‘zero’, but from minus 10: first explain there are most probably other solutions. They needed to apply patience; patience to allow an analyses of the situation. Jumping to conclusions is not Lean.

A SIPOC session got organised, to get a view on the team. A SIPOC workshop reveals (or clarifies) the Suppliers, Inputs, Processes, Outputs and Customers of the team.

 A thorough diagnose phase followed; work processes, work organisation, follow-up, communication habits, facts and data, and a level of openness from everyone to reveal reality as it is – no sugar coating or hiding. Our consultant sat ‘in’ the team during the entire project.

Once all wastes were identified, we defined priorities, and we made an implementation plan. Wastes, from a Lean perspective means: everything that takes time, efforts, and energy, without adding value (from a customer’s perspective). We rigorously structured the internal communication, integrating a transparent and effective work distribution process, using the white board sessions as visual support. Quite exceptionally, we installed 2 WB sessions per day. One in the morning (15 mins) and one at 2 PM (less then 10 mins) to enable reprioritisations in case we noticed delays in some processes. This gave the team ‘control’. A second major change was the re-organisation of tasks and activities, based on their interdependencies along the processes. Doing the right tasks, at the right times – avoiding delays and a number of bottlenecks.


The team no longer had to pay millions of euros in penalties, as the root causes were appropriately tackled, and this sustainably.

Beyond expectations of the team, the TL, and their manager, we didn’t need to hire additional people. Instead it turned out we only needed 12 people. Just to be clear, the timings allocated to the tasks were determined in such a way that everyone could get the job done, without rushing or stress – at a ‘humane’ pace, and this for a longer period of time without risking to put people in a burn-out. This is a critical success factor (a.o.) concerning sustainability. Tensions and stress amongst team members transformed into a collaborative spirit, one for all, all for one.

WPI’s (Work Place Instructions) were introduced.

Continuous Improvement gradually got embedded by creation of a motivating-stimulating atmosphere, and pragmatic management of all improvement suggestions.

The 5 FTEs gradually left, some went to other departments (of their own choice!), and 2 more were not replaced after they went in retirement.

Next to the TL and her right hand, several others picked up the Lean mindset, and significantly developed skills and competences, thus enabling continuous improvement to become reality.

Comparable to a spreading ink stain, when we presented the outcomes (and our approach), to the Senior Manager, he urged other teams to also embark on their respective Operational Excellence journey. The icing on the cake: several months later the company had an internal ‘competition’ to select the best ‘Lean’ Team Leader. Our TL won, hands down!

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